poems and proses ♥

collections of poems and proses, squeezed out of my tiny mind through contemplations and quotes from people of wisdom.

dedicated to Allah, the lover who owns, the owner who loves, the light, the truth, the one and only.

a servant of love, struggling on the path of love

disclaimer: any truth revealed from the word compositions below is originated from Allah, any delusion is a result of my ego.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


Patience is a requirement to a successful struggle on the path of love.

Desire continuously keeps attempting to overtake the self. It tries to dominate the self during the bad times as well as during the good times. In a hardship, desire tends to grow a retaliation feeling (hatred) and in an easiness, it attracts to nurture the delusive ego (arrogance and selfishness).

Patience neutralizes the desire. Through patience, a hardship is taken as a way to build up the emotional strength by seeking help to Allah. Patience accepts an easiness as a way to be grateful to Allah.

Perpetual remembrance to Allah (shalat & dzikr) increases the patience capability. Remembrance to Allah and patience develop each other adjacency.

Patience gets the self closer to Allah, The Love, at anytime.


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