poems and proses ♥

collections of poems and proses, squeezed out of my tiny mind through contemplations and quotes from people of wisdom.

dedicated to Allah, the lover who owns, the owner who loves, the light, the truth, the one and only.

a servant of love, struggling on the path of love

disclaimer: any truth revealed from the word compositions below is originated from Allah, any delusion is a result of my ego.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Returning Home

Within the predestined destiny
Laid out fixated options
Channeled spiritual energy
Stratified in between bipolar ends

Selection exercised by freewill
Weighted down by intellect
Chosen by conscious soul
Enable to envision the end effect

Experiencing different leads
Moving toward the enlightened point
Dynamic, yet determinist
Fading away into The One

Returning to the yearned Home

"O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! Come back thou to thy Lord,- well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him!"

Sunday, July 08, 2007

A Mystical Poem

Of Imam Khomeini ra

Oh my beloved! After witnessing your Infinite Beauty I become entangled.
Seeing, the manifestation of Your Glory, I become saturated with joy and ecstasy.

I forget my own existence and proclaimed the slogan -'I am the truth', and like the Mansoor Hallaj volunteered my self for hanging.

The agony and pain of your love has burnt my entire existence.
That I become fed up with my own self; and my affairs become the talks of the town

"Let the doors of tavern be opened,
and let us go there day and night.

Because, I become disgusted with,
the Mosque as well as from the School.

"I took off the dress of ascesticm and dissimulation.”
And become awakened after wearing the robe of a tavern's haunter."

The town's preacher with his preaching made me uncomfortable
Therefore, I sought refuge in some one who was inwardly upright but outwardly lewd."

Let me allow to remember the temple's sweet memories.
Where I was awakened from the sweet touch of my beloved's hand.